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Radical Accountability Theory (RAT)

What It Is

Radical accountability theory is a synthesis of various psychological techniques including Differentiation as described in the book Intimacy and Desire by David Schnarch, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) created by Albert Ellis, and bilateral stimulation, the principle upon which EMDR was founded. For a more in depth explanation, please see my thesis on how we can heal the world.

How It Works

RAT theorizes that our belief systems create our distress and by changing our belief systems through the bodies natural healing method, bilateral stimulation, we can completely eliminate unwanted emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.

RAT's Effectiveness in Healing

RAT is an extremely effective form of treatment with most client's seeing results in as little as one session. I have seen people completely change their perspective about themselves in less than an hour with most people taking between 2-6 sessions to change an entire belief. It's one of the closest things to magic that I've experienced. If you have doubts, check out my Google reviews and see what people have said about their experience with it!

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